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Important information on stocks

Comparing preferred and common stocks

The two primary stock categories are common and preferred. Dividends and voting rights are the two fundamental differences between common stock and preferred stock. The majority of investors own common shares in an open corporation. Dividends on common stock are possible, but neither their payment nor their amount are fixed. Common stock holders often have voting privileges commensurate to their ownership stake.  Preferred stocks often provide fixed dividends, allowing owners to budget on receiving a specific amount of money each year. Preferred stock holders are also given priority when it comes to the company's earnings: Extra cash issued as dividends is paid to preferred shareholders first, and in the event of a bankruptcy, preferred stock holders are given priority over common stock holders when assets are liquidated. Preferred stock owners typically do not have voting privileges.

Investing versus trading

In order to make a quick buck, traders buy and sell stocks. Over the long run, investors who buy and hold equities typically perform better. Investors often stick onto a diverse portfolio of several stocks through both good and poor economic periods.

Funds versus individual stocks

Purchasing individual stocks requires patience. Each stock you buy should be thoroughly investigated, including a look at the company's fundamentals and financials. Many investors choose to invest in stocks via equities mutual funds, index funds, and ETFs in order to save time. These enable you to buy several equities at once, providing quick diversification and cutting down on the amount of work required to invest.

